Wednesday, February 8, 2012

10 on Wednesday

I wasn't home on Tuesday so here's my 10 today- deal with it.

1. I love Waterton in the winter. The colder the better! There are few things grander than curling up with a good book, hot chocolate, a can of Pringles and letting the wind howl and the snow fly outside. HEAVEN!

2.That's what I was doing Tuesday. Are you jealous? You should be.

3. I had to remake and hem my nun habit, and wash it!!!(nothing makes my skin crawl like the costume room at the theater: all those stinky, sweaty costumes, and you have no way of knowing who wore it last- gggggaghhhh!) Any whoooo- I also had to wash some of my temple clothes- so I just chucked them all in the washing machine together. (I know, I have a warped sense of humor.) They had a religious war in there! Good heavens, I might have burned the house down.
ARMAGEDDON!!! They came out clean but all snarled up and tied together in knots. I am trying to think of a fabulous analogy here- something that is akin to ...isn't that just like life...good triumphs over evil... black/white ...ah... I got nuthin. It was just really funny.

4. Speaking of Christians- might I just politely suggest to the evangelical community of the United States of America...-GET THE FREAK OVER YOURSELVES!!! Stop the hate, people. Mormons are people too!!! We do not have horns or 4 wives, we do not want to force everyone to think the way we do. We are Christians. Jesus Christ is our Savior and the center of our faith. We are for the most part honest, hard working family folk. We put our pants on one leg at a time! Is that really so hard to grasp? Please tell me what part of having a president who worked hard and succeeded but pays 10% of his increase to his church, may pray or feel the need to be honest in his dealings and expects that from others or teaches self reliance while still taking care of the truly needy is so scary. Deal with it!!! There I feel better now. sheeeeeesh!!!! Man that is getting old!!!!! (my blog, my rant, my rules.)

5. I am making a tiny bit of headway with my Latin. Still need a cheat sheet for the mono chant- but maybe by the time the play starts I might be able to convincingly fake it.

6. I watched Phantom of the Opera the other day. Might I just interject here that Gerard Butler is a mighty fine specimen. I have a hard time fathoming why Christine would chose Raul over him, even with a few scars to the right side of his face- shoot- shut one eye and he's MAGNIFICENT!!!!!

7. I am going to have to stop watching election results. It makes me absolutely bat kah kah crazy!!! Love how the folks down south think with any part of the body BUT the brain.

8. I am hearing from the art publishing community that this year is going to pick up...hhhmmm I shall believeth it whenst I seeth it!! But I hope they are right. We've got nowhere to go but up!!

9. My beloved hockey is almost over. SIGH. I shall miss you. Best way to stay in shape ever!!!

10. Does anyone else have a horrible problem with eating too much in the winter? What's with that??? Is it bordom? NO- I am plenty busy, thank you! Is it because we have to lay in some winter fat to stay warm? ppffff- Maybe it's because we don't have fresh fruit and vegetables so we eat bread and junk. ( Nice try) What ever it is, I do NOT like it.


Paige said...

Oh, how I love you, you funny Mommy, you.

Lisha said...

I would just like to say that I put my pants on both legs at the same time 'cuz I'm awesome like that :) And I completely agree that Gerard Butler is a mightly fine specimen. And really, he has a MASK to cover up the scars, so what's the big deal. And he can sing! Seriously, wrong choice Christine! Good luck with the latin. And I also think your religious washing machine fight is funny :)