Sunday, February 6, 2011

What's in a name?

Disclaimer- I know I spell things wrong and make up words- get over it!

! Every year the super boring bowl takes longer to play. We watch it for the commercials- Doritos wins! Hands Down!!(that was an intentional pun-if you didn't see the doritos commercial you must look it up-then you will get the hands down reference.)
So because I am all into blogging I decided to just skip the second half of the game and figure out just what is appropriate blogging etiquette. Question to self- do you blog about very personal stuff? For example, did you ever see that "House" episode where the girl is glued to her blog and tells the blog us fear every single intimate detail of her life? And the only thing she didn't share was the very thing that was killing her, which was her bodies waste system functions (floaters or sinkers) eeeww! Well friends- I think I know not to go there! Even though it may save my life one day...I shall refrain. So do not fear. But really now, I am not sure what is appropriate blog behavior. I studied a good many blogs- some were very amusing but a little crass- hmmm better to be amusing but at least a PG rating me thinks. Some were very inspirational. Well I could probably do that too, to the extent that you can be inspirational with ADHD and a menopausal brain that sends 397 totally unproductive thoughts racing through your brain at the speed of sound...all at the same time, usually at 3:42 am. PPFFF! I can do that!
I came to the conclusion that I'll just have to be me and write what ever I feel like on any given day. Rational or irrational, inspirational or just plain silly. Today I will write about my name...or what used to be my name before I added 3 more syllables. (Thank you Stewie, for saving me from a life with only 4! Let me explain)
I was the third child in line and ended up in the enviable position of only girl- with three wonderful brothers.( I can say that now but growing up they were sometimes horrible teases-made me barking mad on many occasions. Come to think of it- I will blog about those freaking brats at a later date.)
My Mother, having the revelation that I would be her only girl, knew that she had to come up with a hum dinger of a name- something that would blow everyone else right out of the water. After ponderous thought and a couple of short listing sessions she came up with a winner.
Carol Davis. Seriously? That's the best you could do? Four lousy syllables? I didn't even rate a middle name. Just Carol Davis. Period. End of sentence, and my life!
I always wanted a name that rolled off your tongue like silk and honey. Something with at least 8 or 9 syllables. Something along the vein of Stephanie Eugenia Glyssmyer. That is pronounced...Gliss- my- errrr (Stephanie, if you're out there my unfailing envy should be apology enough) Yes, there really was a Stephanie Glyssmyer. I don't know her real middle name but I'm certain she had one and very nearly sure it was multi-syllabled.)
Why, you may ask, did it matter how long or boring my name was? Well just try running for student office!! And what in blue blazes rhymes with Carol? I'll tell you-(...jaws music...) sterile. Sterile Carol, she's our friend, she's ok for a one night stand. This loving soliloquy was written in my yearbook by the entire first period graphics class, of which I was the only girl yet again- I can now look back with fondness on the horrific mornings spent with 19 boys and one 4 syllabled girl in the darkroom. Oh yeah, those were some fun times.(cough, spit, sputter) Pfff- I managed.
But back to running for school office- Having nothing punchy or pithy or rhymey to put on a poster, I tried to make up for it by putting on the best skit for the election assembly. Apparently 7th grade stage humor qualifies you for serious student governmental positions. To this day- I am positively and completely convinced that I lost that election not because I didn't play a convincing Edith Anne in a gigantic rocking chair- It was because I had such a boring name. Stephanie- you won- but you didn't play fair!!! What's in a name? Not enough syllables.
Good night from the blog us fear.


Lisha said...

Too funny. I had no idea you felt that way about your name! I'm sure you are right that it stopped you from winning student council. Just imagine how different your life would have been if you had won. Why you could have gone on to be the High School class president. And then from there (with some stops along the way) you could have even been the first female US President!
But instead you are my dear Auntie Carol (so glad you got those extra syllables from Uncle Stew)!

whitney said...

That explains why I have so many syllables in my name.
I remember all through elementary school hating having a long name. I wanted a nice short name. Brad saved me with Davis.
Aparently you just can't win!