Saturday, April 2, 2011

God's little tricks- ooops- I mean miracles.

Life is one of God's miracles to be sure- but sometimes I feel like I've been duped. Do you sometimes get the feeling you are not quite given all the facts so you plunge ahead full throttle, not really knowing the outcome or the consequences? I am thinking that's the way God planned it, because if we knew how hard some things would be- we wouldn't do some of this life stuff. Like kids for example. He doesn't tell you that you will NEVER and I mean NEVER get another good nights sleep! It's just not fair. I am thinking this is just one of God's little tricks, one among many. He has quite a few sneaky little tricks I have found. Like this sleep thing. When you are a little kid, you never want to take a nap or go to bed. When you are a teenager, you can stay awake all night but then you get yourself into trouble... big time. (I say it's God's doing but it's probably more to do with hormones- umm hummm, ok-so maybe the hormones are Gods trick then.) In your 20's, you straighten up and fly right, get married (don't even get me started on that "trick" hormones again) and have a few kids- Right now you COULD sleep but your babies and toddlers keep you awake. In your 40's your teens keep you awake all night. You exhaust yourself raising the kids, all the while thinking when they are all grown and out of the house, THEN you can sleep..OH CONTRARE!!! Just when they are all gone and it's peaceful and you have the entire night to peacefully slumber away- the hormone fairy hits and BAM- you can't sleep. You COULD take a nap, but IF you take a nap- then for sure the night is going to be long and wakeful! I just don't get it. What does God have against sleep??? I have decided that this is what they mean when you die and they say that you enter into "God's Rest." Heaven is just another word for "you finally get to SLEEP!!!" But I am afraid there might be another trick to it- You probably won't NEED sleep in heaven. LONG AND HEAVY SIGH.
Speaking of babies- is that not the most dastardly trick in the book? They come so sweet and cuddly and cute and you could conceivably (nice pun) have 2 or 3 of these things before you figure out what they are like when they grow up. These cute babies are in league with their Father in Heaven. (That is precisely why they can't talk right away- or they would tell you what you were in for) Those sweet innocent babes are tricky too! They slowly turn into two year olds when you aren't looking, then four year olds and then before you have time to stop yourself from making more of them, they are teenagers!! What is with that!!! The funny part of this is, because we are somewhat sneaky and spiteful, we never warn our kids about it. We just sit back with a knowing smile and watch them create the same cycle of torture. HEHHEHEH!
But then God does his greatest trick (miracle) of all- he blesses you with so much love and joy, just enough to keep you moving forward, showing you his hand in your life and proving to you that what he says is right and good and true, that you just keep going with faith and hope of Eternal Life with him and your kids. They should call it Eternal nap. I can't wait!!!


Lisha said...

I suddenly have the urge to take a nap ... I love your perspective on stuff. So awesome!

KellyLady said...

amen! I don't care if I don't HAVE to sleep in heaven....I'll fake it if I have to! I'm planning on putting a "do not disturb for 10 years" sign on my mansion door!