Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday 10 random thoughts-

1. If I ever hear "The Hills are Alive" or "My Favorite Things" again I will seriously hurt what is ever in my path. The only hills I want alive are the ones I hike in and my favorite thing right now is the end of this week!!! yeah yeah, self inflicted..I get it.

2. I am enraged and frustrated with my lack of photo shop skills. I have the basics and I have put out a lot of nice images that have been published but I have this nagging feeling that I have just touched the surface and if I only knew more I could really do some amazing stuff. I hit on some cool effects with things I hand painted then scanned and manipulated and I am being asked for more, but I just know there are photo shop secrets out there that I am so close to figuring out but just can't break through.. very infuriating. AND there is no time to take a class. I have read books and tutorials and it helps but I just want the magic fairy to put all that knowledge into my head all at once and then I could just go to town!!!

3. It's already time to start thinking about going to New York for the Surtex Licensing art show in May. DANG time goes by sooooo fast!

4. I am also thinking I would rather go to Vancouver instead. Oh decisions, decisions.

5. OR BOTH!!!! That's the answer!

6. I was thinking about what happens to your mind and body when you get older, and thinking it really stinks!! I have also thought, more than once this past few weeks, that I am too flippen old to be in theatrical productions. Too many stairs to run up and down in character shoes that used to fit like a glove but are now tools of the devil whilst trying to be quiet. Gaaaahhh my knees hurt. My brain just doesn't move fast enough or remember stuff any more. Surprisingly the Latin music has been the easiest part. My problem is remembering the entire play and knowing what to wear and when.. I am feeling quite schizophrenic...I never know what I have on under my habit and have forgotten earrings when I am a Baroness, and left them on when I am a nun and left my pants in stupid places and forgotten to get the right clothes to the right side of the stage. No big bloopers as yet on stage(not counting the gum flying out of my mouth and hitting my dance partner in the chest) but it's only a matter of time before I come out with parts of all 3 costumes on. Either that or I end up in my underwear.

7. Question: Does God forgive you for mentally sleeping through church? I hope so.

8. I am looking forward to the lake so I can actually finish reading a book. Where do you all find time to read??? And how do you stay awake?

9. Rhonda Steed is a family/friend who is also a photographer. You should check out her photography site- Rhonda Steed Photography -She took this picture and it is my new, favorite picture in all the whole wide world. I just love it!! What could be better than a new born baby and a sweet Great Dane?!!! I want one of each, please!

10. Hmmm I should be working, not blogging....ok...this is me going back to work........


Christal said...

Love it can't wait to see the play wed night:) I'm sure you are awesome!! So at first I was with some of the other commenter's ont he picture who thought Zeus was a horse ha ha! Rhonda is amazing!

KellyLady said...

BREATHE!! And I hope you don't end up with parts of all 3 costumes or your underwear on stage!
I'm sure you are awesome as always :)

Just Rhonda said...

Hahaha thanks Carol :)

Maybe you should make a list of questions abut photoshop and I could see if I could answer them for you!